The demand for well-trained specialists and managers in the construction sector will not diminish. With its extensive experience in building construction, civil engineering and real estate services, WILHELM helps its clientele find the right people.
Only those who are familiar with the industries understand the needs of the companies and can advise them properly.
WILHELM's consultants have many years of professional and management experience in various industries. They know the industry-specific environment and understand the technical language. A good understanding of the challenges and concerns of the companies creates trust and is an important prerequisite for choosing the right approach for a promising recruitment.
At WILHELM, we focus on a limited number of industries with which our consultants are very familiar. This targeted approach enables us to keep our finger on the pulse of market developments and maintain an active network of talent in these areas.
Construction and real estate

Consulting and law

Consulting and professional services companies are confronted with the justified expectation of their clientele that they adapt quickly and efficiently to new circumstances. The right mix of talent is therefore the decisive success factor for a company offering knowledge-intensive services.
Financial Services

The internationally strong position of the Swiss financial center is based on the high quality of consulting and service, legal certainty and currency stability as well as the good economic and political framework conditions. WILHELM implements the successful search for specialists and executives in the financial services sector with a holistic consulting approach.

In order for Switzerland to keep up with its digital development, another important resource is needed in addition to industry standards: qualified employees. WILHELM meets these changing demands through broad expertise in the individual areas of the industrial sector, high quality consulting, and strong networking in the market.
Information Technology

The highly innovation-driven information and communications technology sectors are exposed to constant change like no other industry. The ICT industry is struggling with an acute shortage of skilled workers. Employees are needed who are flexible, curious and willing to learn. Thanks to selected search methods and direct approaches, WILHELM knows where to find them.
Consumption and trade

The consumer goods sector is particularly hard hit by the ever-expanding globalization of sales markets. However, not only the big players in the industry are confronted with this development, but also small and medium-sized enterprises. WILHELM is familiar with the structures of SMEs and knows what to look out for when searching for and selecting specialists and managers.
Life Sciences and Healthcare

The strong competitive environment requires professionals and executives with a sound technical background, strong decision-making abilities and intercultural skills. WILHELM draws on its industry expertise and sets itself the goal of attracting such personalities, thus giving its clientele a substantial competitive edge in the fiercely contested market.
Administration, associations and education

In public administration, it is of enormous importance to understand political contexts as well as the methods and processes in the field of New Public Management (NPM). WILHELM generates added value for its clients thanks to its extensive experience in the entire public sector, especially with budget-oriented regional authorities (federal government, cantons, municipalities) and public law institutions.